Friday, September 5, 2014


I've found the next two tapes that come next. They're one right after another. The first seems to be just August and some other... people? It's hard to explain. There's no one voice, but several, and each seems to try and talk over the other. They're not in unison, but they still seem to be saying the same thing. If I listen really closely, though, some of them are speaking different languages, like German, and French, and some are just... gibberish. I've written what the English speakers say. There's also August's description of him. I suppose it might just be easier to write that part down.

???: Is the device recording?
August: Yeah.
???: Good. I want you to describe the situation. I want you to describe it as accurately as you can.
August: The police...
???: Not to me. To the device.
August: The police picked me up a little bit ago. I can't really remember what happened after that thing left. Just... I was too afraid to move. I was afraid that if I moved, then what happened to April would just... not go away. I felt like, if I just stayed still, then everything would just go back to normal. It... didn't. A cop found me I don't know how much later. He called a bunch of people to deal with April, then brought me here. It's a small police station, because the closest town is only like a couple hundred people. I guess they're getting in contact with a nearby city, to get a better investigation. I don't know. I just get what I can eavesdrop. They won't tell me anything. After a while they just brought me into this room, then left me alone. After a while... after a while you appeared.
???: How did I get here?
August: I don't know. One minute I was alone, the next... I didn't even hear the door open.
???: That's because I didn't use it. Do you know who I am?
August: No.
???: Then please, describe me to the device.
August: You look like...
???: To the device, please.
August: He looks like he could be a teenager. He's dressed like it. Hoody, jeans. The jeans are even torn a little, and his hood is up. He looks about as tall as a teenager, too. I can't see his face. He's wearing a gas mask, like, an old World War One style mask. And his hands... his hands are bone. Literaly bone. No skin or meat or anything.
???: Anything else?
[August is quiet for a little bit.]
August: If I turn my head, I can almost see a blur in the corner of my eye. They look almost like wings. One is mishapen and grey. The other is more defined... for a blur... and colorful.
???: Good. Keep that device with you. Keep it recording. Talk to it, tell it things you wouldn't tell anybody else. It may be the only thing you can trust from here on out. It will also be the only thing that may keep you sane.
[August doesn't say anything, but makes a noncommittal noise.]
???: Now, a man will be coming in here soon. He'll want to ask you questions about what happened. You must not tell him the truth.
August: Because he won't believe me?
???: Because he will.
August: What?
???: You'll understand eventually. For now, lie. Don't worry about making it believable. My friends will make him hear something he won't question.
[August starts to say something but is interrupted by ???]
???: You may want to insert a new record into your device. Our conversation has been happening for quite some time, and I don't know how long the officer will want to question you.
[August makes another noncommital noise and the tape ends here]

I've listened to the next tape, too. It's the officer questioning August. ??? is there as well. I need to go back and listen to it a couple more times, though, because the officer seems to be having a different conversation than ??? and August. I think I understand where the story of the wolf comes from now, though. I'll tell you more when I fully transcribe.

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